How to Make Precise Use of 5mW to 100mW 532nm Green Line Laser Alignment?

532nm green line laser alignment
532nm green line laser alignment

Not spending extra time on battery change, within the lowest time consumption, the real use of a 532nm green line laser alignment always brings users easy, reaching and long lasting line indication for a lot of application fields. It projects the most visible and the brightest green laser light source from a middle wavelength 532nm green DPSS laser system. When it emits ultra high fineness and high straightness green line with different line lengths, only after its correct use of output power and optic lens fan angle, this laser line generator is able to make ultra clear and quick response line indication for various raw material processing works constantly.
Owing to the easy use of 5V, 9V 1000mA AC/DC adapter, after its acceptation of wide range electric current of 100V to 240V, this 532nm green line laser alignment is applicable for a lot of countries and regions. Being made with advanced 532nm green DPSS laser system within wide range of 5mW to 100mW, it is working well with ultra intense and visible green laser beam emission at several miles far away. At the same time, besides its formal use for close distance and formal lighting, the adoption of a green laser line generator up to 50mW to 100mW also makes ultra clear and fine line indication as long as 25 meters and high lighting working occasions as well.
According to the advanced use of a qualified glass coated lens or separate crystal lens within 10 to 110 degree, not any longer relying on any manual labor force input, this 532nm green line laser alignment enables high quality Gaussian beam or non Gaussian distribution green laser light source at long extending distance. It is performing well with high fineness and high straightness green reference line projection for a lot of working occasions, including laser cutting for stone, wood, metal, garment, lumber machine, saw mill, optical instrument, spectrum analysis and lab experiment work etc.
Being made with different dimension metal housing tube, within freely installed distance of 3 meters, this 532nm green line laser alignment enables quite easy reaching and no barrier green line projection for all raw material processing works. It gets unique design of adjustable focus optic lens, thus after immediate green laser light source concentration, this alignment laser brings users increasing brightness and fineness line alignment measurement results for all labs, institutes and colleges etc. Only if users would take active laser safety measure and wear correct laser safety glasses, it always brings users easy, secured and long lasting line indication for all working occasions effectively.