In a lot of industrial precise device manufacturing work fields, not simply relying on any manual or mechanical dot aligning devices, more and more engineers would prefer to make clear dot alignment with the assistance of a high power 150mW blue laser diode module. It projects highly intense and powerful blue laser light directly from 445nm blue laser diode. When it gets the most special separate thermal emitting system and constant electric power source from DC input power supply, these dot laser alignment tools achieves increasing laser beam stability and highly clear blue dot projection in distance.

Not simply relying on manual labor force input and professional skills, it would become quite efficient solution to make use of high power 150mW blue laser diode module. It gets advanced technical innovation of 445nm blue laser diode tech. It is only projecting moderate brightness blue laser light from beam aperture, although it is not as bright as 473nm blue DPSS laser system, however, after production into a laser dot alignment tool, it is still being made with quite easy carrying tube, while still getting extremely stable and reliable blue dot projection in long distance use. For the most important of all, after mass production of 445nm blue laser diode, it is just getting quite production cost for any industrial dot aligning work fields.
In order to avoid laser light decay in constant dot alignment work, high power 150mW blue laser diode module makes use of qualified glass coated lens. In process of long time and long distance blue laser dot projection, it gets no appearance of laser light decay or dim. It is keeping high transmittance blue laser light emission, and making highly clear dot generation in distance. When it is available onto laser market, after quite strict laser beam stability tests up to 24 hours, including super rapid electric current adding test, alternative high and low temperature changing test and up to 24 hours aging preventing tests, this dot laser alignment tool is keeping excellent laser light cycling use and extremely clear blue laser dot projection constantly.
On basis of quite easy adjustment of laser beam focus, high power 150mW blue laser diode module makes immediate blue laser light concentration and extremely precise dot projection at great distance. Unless it is pointing under sunlight, it is always making quite satisfied dot measuring result for multiple application fields. In addition, every time users are paying special attention to powerful blue laser radiation and reflection, after correct wearing of laser safety goggles, this industrial stabilized alignment laser achieves high security dot alignment in all occasions effectively.