Highly Clear 635nm Red Line Laser Module

635nm Red Line Laser Module
635nm Red Line Laser Module

In those of precise and fine enough line indication at various work distances, it might be processing for a lot of raw material processing works, thus it should be a quite nice beginning to operate a 635nm red line laser module. It emits pure and bright red laser light directly from a 635nm red laser diode, which just gets at least 3 times brighter red laser light than formal 650nm red laser with the same output power. In those of industrial and high tech precise line positioning work fields, after its proper use of output power and optic lens fan angle, within quite long extending distance and high lighting working occasions, this laser line generator always brings users quite easy reaching, long lasting and ultra clear red line indication for a lot of raw material processing works constantly.
Owing to its easy use of 5V, 9V 1000mA AC/DC adapter, not any longer spending extra time on alkaline battery change, this 635nm red line laser module is able to work with constant red laser beam and red line projection from laser beam aperture. It leaves larger space for tube cooling down. In addition, employed by an import 635nm red laser diode, only after basic use of a metal heat sink cooling system inside a durable anodized aluminum alloy housing tube, whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, this red laser line generator is working well with good thermal emitting and thermal conductivity, and ensuring ultra stable red line alignment within long lasting work time of 10 hours per day.
When a qualified glass coated lens within 10 to 110 degree fan angle is configured with a 635nm red line laser module, it is working well with ultra fine and straight red reference line projection within 0.5 meter to 6 meters line lengths. For the most important of all, owing to its low laser beam divergence and special TEm00 laser beam mode, no matter it is pointing at close or long distance, this 635nm red laser line generator also makes sure of ultra fine and straight red line projection at long extending distance.
Within quite long extending distance of 25 meters and other high lighting occasions etc, within the assistance of a laser alignment mounting bracket, this 635nm red line laser module makes easy reaching and no barrier red line projection onto any vertical or horizontal surface. It enables freely adjusted laser line fineness and red line emitting direction, within the great distance of 25 meters and high lighting occasion, this alignment laser still brings users no mistake use for all labs, institutes and colleges etc. When users are taking active laser safety measure and wearing proper laser safety goggles, it still brings users easy and secured line generation for all working occasions effectively.

Author: highpowerlasermodule

Berlinlasers high power laser module blog is sharing the most practically and the most competitive price dot, line and cross alignment solutions for long distance and high aligning work fields at long distance effectively.

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