High Precision Glass Coated Lens 100mW 532nm Green Laser Diode Module

532nm green laser diode module
532nm green laser diode module

In any type of ultra clear and precise dot generation at longer distance than formal hand reaching, it is not workable at all to only rely on any manual labor force input, but making even better job to operate a high brightness device of a 100mW 532nm green laser diode module. Employed by advanced use of a 532nm green DPSS laser and basic thermal emitting system inside a high duration metal housing tube, it is working well with high density and high brightness green laser light source emission at long extending distance. In those of industrial and high tech precise dot measuring work fields, after its operation for those of high lighting and long distance, it is able to make ultra clear and precise dot alignment for all machinery processing works constantly.
Owing to the use of an AC/DC adapter, comparing with a simple green laser pointer, the real use of a 532nm green laser diode module is working well with constant green laser beam emission at long extending distance. It emits ultra clear green reference dot projection within the maximum work distance of 25 meters, and other high lighting working occasion, including sunlight as well. For the most important of all, when 532nm green dot laser applies a metal heat sink cooling system inside a highly durable anodized aluminum alloy housing tube, it is working well with ultra high laser beam stability and ultra clear green dot indication for all harsh occasions.
When 100mW 532nm green laser diode module applies a qualified glass coated lens, cooperating with up to 24 hours aging preventing and beam stability test, it is always generating high transmittance green laser light source from laser beam aperture. Once it gets low laser beam divergence of less than 1mrad and special TEM00 laser beam mode, either it is pointing at close or long distance, this 532nm green dot laser is working well with the most compact size and the brightest green dot indication for both of industrial and high tech work fields.
Being made with APC, ACC driving circuit board, in process of long lasting dot positioning work, this 100mW 532nm green laser diode module is performing well with constant output power and electric current supply. It gets reduced possibility of tube burning out or damage, and long serving lifetime of more than 8,000 hours. For the most important of all, when it projects intense green laser light and thermal energy hurt to eyes, after correct wearing of laser safety glasses and avoiding eye exposure to laser beam aperture, this green alignment laser just brings users easy, secured and long lasting dot indication for all working occasions.

Author: highpowerlasermodule

Berlinlasers high power laser module blog is sharing the most practically and the most competitive price dot, line and cross alignment solutions for long distance and high aligning work fields at long distance effectively.

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