Good Direction 650nm Red Line Laser Module

650nm red line laser module
650nm red line laser module

In those of high tech and industrial precise machinery processing work fields, either it is pointing at close or long distance, it should always be a quite nice job to operate a high density beam emitting tool of a 650nm red line laser module. It is getting basic use of thermal emitting system and import laser diode inside a highly durable metal housing tube. Either it is pointing at close or long distance, after its basic use of optic lens degree and output power, this laser line generator just makes ultra clear, fine and quick response red line alignment for all machinery processing works effectively.
The basic use of a 650nm red line laser module would be working for a quite long time, thus it should have to maintains its ultra clear and stable line projection in continuous use. The adoption of an import 650nm red laser diode gets wide range output power of 5mW to 100mW. It always adopts a metal heat sink cooling system, which gets much better performance than a air or water cooling system. After the configuration with 16mm and 26mm diameter anodized aluminum alloy housing tube for different output power range, this laser line generator just enables quite easy installation, good thermal emitting and long lasting red line alignment in proper use.
When a qualified glass coated lens within 10 to 110 degree is configured into a highly durable metal housing tube, whatever kind of working surface it is pointing, this 650nm red line laser module is generating highly straight and fine red reference line within 0.5 meter to 6 meters line lengths. It should only be selected with correct output power and optic lens fan angle for different application fields. Further more, after its proper mounting onto those of industrial machine or device, this laser line generator just makes sure of ultra clear and fine red line generation for a lot of application fields, including laser cutting, saw mill, lumber machine, textile garment processing and high tech work etc.
Within quite long work distance and other formal lighting work occasions, with the assistance of a laser alignment mounting bracket, this ultra compact size tube made 650nm red line laser module enables quite easy installation and quick reaching of red line indication for a lot of raw material processing works. It enables freely adjusted laser beam focus through its easy screw of laser beam aperture, thus it gets increasing brightness and fineness red line alignment at greater distance. When high power red alignment laser up to 50mW to 100mW is selected for long distance, it is also a key issue to take active laser safety measure and wear correct laser safety goggles until achieving easy, free and secured use perfectly.

Author: highpowerlasermodule

Berlinlasers high power laser module blog is sharing the most practically and the most competitive price dot, line and cross alignment solutions for long distance and high aligning work fields at long distance effectively.

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