How to Make Quick Use of Uniform Beam 532nm Green Line Laser Module?

In those of industrial precise machinery processing work fields, it might be far more enough than formal hand reaching, however, it should be a quite nice beginning for users to operate advanced 532nm green DPSS laser tech applied 532nm green line laser module. It generates quite powerful and intense green laser beam at long extending distance. As a result, after its special use of a qualified separate crystal lens with wide fan angles inside a highly durable metal housing tube, only after its proper installation onto any machine or device, this laser line generator is able to make ultra clear and fine line indication at long extending distance constantly.

532nm green line laser module
532nm green line laser module

Cooperating with a qualified separate crystal lens, this 532nm green line laser module just projects quite special laser light source in type of non Gaussian distribution green laser beam emission at long extending distance. It applies advanced 532nm green DPSS laser system, after getting less than 1mrad laser beam divergence and special Tem00 laser beam mode, no matter it is pointing at close or long distance, this laser line generator is working well with extremely clear and fine green line projection. For the most important of all, when it keeps work with the same line brightness from its middle part towards both ends, it is able to work with ultra clear and fine green line indication within long extending distance of 25 meters and high lighting occasion as well.
When uniform beam 532nm green line laser module gets easy connects with a 5V, 9V 1000mA DC power supply, it is able to work with wide range output power of 5mW to 100mW. It gets advanced use of a metal heat sink cooling system inside a durable anodized aluminum alloy housing tube, in process of constant line indication work, it achieves superior nice thermal emitting and thermal conductivity, and ultra stable and reliable green line projection within daily operating time of 10 hours per day.
Being made with APC, ACC driving circuit board design, within wide range output power of 5mW to 100mW, this uniform beam 532nm green line laser module is working well with constant output power and electric current supply. It gets no effect by overheating and over current impact, and assures long serving lifetime of more than 8,000 hours. When alignment laser gets freely adjusted laser line fineness and line emitting direction within three dimensions, after immediate laser light concentration, it converts into ultra clear and fine green line emission at greater distance. Only if users are wearing proper laser safety glasses and avoiding eye exposure to beam aperture, it still brings users easy, free and no danger use perfectly.

Author: highpowerlasermodule

Berlinlasers high power laser module blog is sharing the most practically and the most competitive price dot, line and cross alignment solutions for long distance and high aligning work fields at long distance effectively.

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