According to quite easy use of a high power 635nm red laser diode module, not the same as a red laser pointer device, it is always getting excellent use of thermal emitting system and constant electric power from DC input power supply, which is able to work with extremely stable and reliable red reference dot projection in continuous work. When it is being made with specially designed adjustable focus optics, every time the most powerful red laser light is concentrated, this high power red dot laser makes sure of highly accurate and precise dot projection onto targeting surfaces efficiently.

Selected from the best quality glass coated lens, whatever kind of working surface it is pointed, high power 635nm red laser diode module is keeping work with high laser beam transmittance and highly clear red reference dot projection in continuous work. When it is getting special use of adjustable focus, only after quite easy screw of adjustable cylindrical lens, red dot laser obtains the smallest size red reference dot projecting result on various targeting surfaces. In addition, according to special use of glass window in front of laser beam aperture, even though it is used under dust or moisture working condition, it is not affected at all, but always keeping the most reliable dot alignment in continuous work.
Whatever kind of working surface it is pointed, including those of complex working environments, high power 650nm red laser diode module is used as an accessory part. After very simple selection of DC input power supply, accepting wide range electric current within 100V to 240V, after converting into lower operating voltage of 9V, high power dot laser alignment tool supports wide range output power from 150mW to 500mW. It is able to work with continuous red dot projection constantly. However, only according to proper use within 8 to 10 hours per day, under occasion that there is enough time leaving for laser tube cooling down, it will maintain good performance.
According to quite easy selection of laser alignment mounting bracket, even though red dot is pointed on some of hard reaching places, high power 635nm red laser diode module is used conveniently. Users can try to adjust alignment laser within three dimensions, and then making no barrier and high speed red reference dot projection on any vertical or horizontal surface immediately. Whenever the most powerful red laser light and thermal energy produced from beam aperture, it might cause serious hurt to human eyes at quite close distance. Whenever users are wearing proper laser safety goggles and avoiding eye exposure to beam aperture, this high power red dot laser always obtains highly secured dot measurement constantly.