After quite easy use of a high power red dot laser module, even though the genuine dot alignment work is processed at quite long work distance or some of working places where human hands cannot reach easily, while it is just the correct selection for users to adopt a high power red dot laser module. It is employing import 650nm red laser diode as its beam emitting source. Whenever this dot laser alignment tool gets quite larger space leaving for laser tube cooling down and supports with external DC input power supply, it would make easy and immediate red reference dot projection in distance easily and immediately.

In any industrial dot alignment at quite long work distance, high power red dot laser module employs high power 650nm red laser diode up to 150mW to 500mW. It is employing the longest developing history and the most mature laser diode tech, after production into a real laser dot alignment tool, it is not only workable with extremely stable and reliable dot aligning performance, but also assuring the lowest production cost for any type of industrial precise device manufacturing works.
When the most powerful and intense red laser light is generated from beam aperture, high power red dot laser module is being made with separate metal heat sink cooling system, which is always leaving quite larger space for inner laser tube cooling down. In addition, according to the most important design part of APC, ACC driving circuit board, when there is quite powerful and intense red laser light and thermal energy produced from beam aperture, this alignment laser is always getting perfect protection from increasing temperature and over current impact. Although red dot laser is used constantly, however, it should still leave enough time for laser tube cooling down, which would make sure of highly stable dot projection and excellent laser light cycling use.
In order to make sure of highly clear dot alignment on various targeting surfaces, high power red dot laser module gets the most important design part of qualified glass coated lens. It is getting even better performance than formal plastic coated lens, the whole process of laser dot targeting gets no appearance of laser light decay or dim in continuous work. Within wide range power, this alignment laser is generating the most powerful thermal energy. However, only if users are avoiding eye exposure to beam aperture and remember to wear professional laser safety goggles, it achieves free and accurate alignment constantly.