Not simply used for quite long work distance or quite long time continuous dot aligning works, none of dot aligning work can be processed until selecting the high power 200mW green laser diode module. It is projecting the most sensitive color green laser light from 532nm green DPSS laser system. Whenever high power green dot laser is being made with separate thermal emitting system and constant electric power source of DC input power supply, it is always workable with extremely nice thermal emitting and highly stable green reference dot projection in continuous work.

When high power 200mW green laser diode module is being made with advanced 5323nm green DPSS laser system, although it is generating quite powerful laser light from beam aperture, however, it is still being made with superior nice thermal conductivity so as achieve stable enough green reference dot projection in continuous work. Under quite special use of separate metal heat sink cooling system, only if there is the largest space leaving for laser tube cooling down, this dot laser alignment tool gets quite nice thermal emitting and highly stable green dot projection in use.
For the most important of all, when high power 200mW green laser diode module is used for quite long time, it might cause serious increasing temperature of laser tube. The special design part of APC, ACC driving circuit board is ensuring constant electric current supply for laser tube, protecting laser module from any possibility of laser diode and electric driving circuit burning out or damage. In addition, when the real green laser dot alignment is processed with recommending operating time within 8 to 10 hours, it is achieving superior nice laser light cycling use and the most reliable dot projection.
Whatever kind of working surface it is pointed, even though some of working places is quite hard to reach, high power 200mW green laser diode module is only used as an accessory part. The selection of laser alignment mounting bracket is always allowing quite easy installation of alignment laser on any industrial device, and then generating the clearest dot positioning result under high lighting and long distance. Whenever powerful green laser radiation and reflection are generated from high power dot laser alignment, it might also generate serious hurt to human eyes. Whenever users are taking basic laser safety measure and selecting laser safety glasses, this industrial green dot laser achieves free and quick positioning result perfectly.