Usually 532nm green laser line generator applies advanced 532nm green DPSS laser tech and a qualified optic lens with wide fan angles. It makes the best use of a middle wavelength of 532nm among all visible optical spectrum, thus it is able to work with the most easily absorbed and the most sensitive color green laser light source generation at long extending distance. In practical precise line positioning work, cooperated with external electric power source and easy integration and installation onto garment processing equipment, this 532nm green laser module is able to make ultra clear, good directivity and long time lasting green reference line projection for a lot of garment making works conveniently.
The applications of 532nm green laser line generator in garment processing is as follows:
Cutting positioning
During the garment cutting process, the straight line emitted 532nm green line laser module is installed on the cutting equipment or workbench so that the green straight line it projects accurately covers the position on the fabric that needs to be cut. The operator cuts according to the instructions of the green laser line so as to ensure that the cutting lines are straight and accurate. On occasion that it is used for some parts that require straight cutting, such as trouser legs and skirt hems, which can effectively improve the accuracy and consistency of cutting.
Pattern drawing
For some garment processing links that require drawing specific patterns or marks on the fabric, such as locating pockets and button positions, the projection angle and shape of the green laser line generator can be adjusted, combined with the corresponding template or design requirements, and accurate patterns or marks can be projected on the fabric to provide clear green reference line guidance for subsequent sewing and other processes.
Grid and stripe alignment
When processing fabrics with grid or stripe patterns, the 532nm green laser line generator can project a straight line that matches the fabric texture, helping operators to align the grid or stripes of the fabric, ensuring the continuity and symmetry of the pattern during the splicing and sewing process, and improving the overall aesthetics of the garment.
Advantages in garment processing works:
High precision: It can provide precise green reference line positioning and guidance so as to ensure the accuracy of garment cutting and sewing, reduce errors, and improve the quality and consistency of garments.
Efficiency improvement: Operators can quickly operate according to the green laser line, reducing the time for manual measurement and marking, and improving the efficiency of garment processing.
Non-contact operation: line alignment work with a 532nm green laser line generator will not cause damage to the fabric, avoid the traces that may be left by traditional marking methods or the impact on the fabric texture, and is suitable for various garment fabrics of different materials.
Good flexibility: The position, angle and shape of the 532nm green line laser can be easily adjusted according to different clothing styles, fabric characteristics and processing requirements, and it has strong adaptability and versatility.
Cost reduction: laser line alignment work on garments reduces fabric waste caused by cutting errors or inaccurate pattern alignment, and reduces production costs. At the same time, it improves work efficiency and indirectly reduces labor costs.